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Fatigue & Exhaustion

Feeling tired? You're not alone. On average, adults spend nearly three hours a day feeling drained.1 Whether it's sleepless nights, working long hours or simply having too much on your plate, the stresses of modern life give us plenty of reasons to feel fatigued and exhausted.

How are you feeling?

Overwhelmed or Burnt Out?



Everyone feels tired and overwhelmed now and then, but we notice it more when it stops us living our lives to the full. You might feel like you have no energy, that you've lost your motivation or that you're physically or mentally burnt out.3

Did you know that stress might be playing a role in why you're feeling fatigued? Especially if you're overloaded at work, not getting enough sleep or going through a difficult time in your relationship.

Facts about fatigue


Everyone experiences fatigue differently. In fact, women report fatigue more often than men.4


Fatigue can affect your concentration. You might notice it's become harder to focus at work, or even when you're watching TV.5


Fatigue can make you impatient, which can affect your relationships with family and friends.6


Fatigue can make you impatient, which can affect your relationships with family and friends.6

Steps you can take to reduce fatigue

1. Get a good night's sleep

It goes without saying that improving your sleep could help you to feel more rested during the day. If you're struggling with sleeplessness, read our tips here.

2. Recognise stress triggers

Every day feeling like an uphill battle? Try to be realistic about what you can achieve during a work day and aim to find balance in your schedule.

3. Enjoy more exercise or gentle movement

A healthier lifestyle could help to reduce fatigue. However, try to find a good balance between activity and rest and take time to unwind too - you could try Pilates or yoga!

4. Cut the caffeine

Coffee can interrupt your body's natural sleep-wake cycle.9 Swapping your afternoon coffee for a glass of water could help you to wind down more easily towards the end of the day. Staying hydrated can also help.

5. Make more of mealtimes

Busy people often rely on snacks but enjoying a nutritious meal at a table could help you to feel more balanced. It could also help you to maintain an optimal weight and avoid putting any additional stress on your body.

When to see your GP

Fatigue can also be caused by medical conditions, such as diabetes or anaemia. If your exhaustion has continued for more than four weeks or you think there could be a medical reason, make sure you talk to your GP.10

You can find more information about fatigue and exhaustion on the NHS website.

How Kalms could help

Rhodiola is a traditional herbal medicine used for the temporary relief of stress-related fatigue, exhaustion and mild anxiety.