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How to cope with EOY exhaustion

With looming deadlines, extra work pressures and a busy social calendar, the final weeks of the year can be the most draining.


While the festive period is often considered magical and heartwarming, it can also be stressful, leaving many of us feeling fatigued, over-stretched and overwhelmed with our professional, social and personal lives.

End-of-year exhaustion is a real phenomenon caused by a buildup of stress over time, typically manifesting itself in December. It is our bodies way of signalling there is an energy crisis taking place and something has to change. When we reach this point of exhaustion, we can feel like we can no longer cope with our daily responsibilities, struggle to focus, lose our compassion for others and struggle to switch off or sleep at night.

Often, people experiencing end-of-year exhaustion feel like there’s no escape, but there is. To help boost energy levels and fight fatigue, here are five tips:

  • Plan ahead. A good way to avoid feeling overwhelmed at the end of the year is to plan ahead. By setting priorities and breaking bigger projects into smaller tasks, your workload can feel more manageable and less intimidating. The idea is to set realistic goals that are achievable. You can also review your plan at the end of each day and adjust it as needed.


  • Take a break. According to a YouGov survey, 1 in 3 UK office workers won’t ‘switch off’ over the festive season despite having annual leave.i Time off is integral to our well-being as well as sustained productivity and performance.ii Ensure you take your annual leave and escape the daily grind, allowing you to return to work in the new year with renewed energy and enthusiasm.


  • Prioritise sleep. Late night scrolling on social media to reclaim back ’me time’ can be tempting. However, this habit robs us of valuable shuteye and can result in unhealthy comparison loops. Set aside your phone an hour before and replace that scrolling time with something that really helps you to relax and restore your energy. Try a hot bath, a guided meditation, reading time, journaling, or some wind-down yoga.


  • Use exercise to recharge. Your exercise routine is usually the first thing to slip when you’re feeling overwhelmed and exhausted. But, exercise, along with eating a balanced diet, is one of the best ways to reduce stress and boost your mood.iii Whether it’s a daily walk around the block, or a 30-minute HIIT class, exercise comes in all shapes and sizes. If you are feeling physically, mentally or emotionally drained this time of year, exercising can act as a restorative activity and give you a boost of feel-good hormones.iv
  • Ask for help. If you feel unable to manage end-of-year burnout on your own, it's time to seek additional help and get the support you need - this could be from a friend, family member, colleague or professional. Together, you can set healthy boundaries. One example could be not checking work emails in the evenings between certain hours so you can focus on spending time with loved ones.


For those looking for additional support, you may also benefit from the use of a traditional herbal remedy. Kalms Rhodiola is a traditional herbal medicinal product used to relieve fatigue and exhaustion.v Rhodiola is taken from the roots of the Rhodiola rosea plant. The roots of this plant are thought to be used as an adaptogen, which are herbs used to help the body better adapt to stress.v Shop now here.


i Presence over presents: Are UK employees switching off over Christmas? | Slack

ii The Importance of Work-Life Balance | The Happiness Index

iii The Mental Health Benefits of Exercise -

iv Happy Hormones: What They Are and How to Boost Them (

v The Effectiveness of Rhodiola rosea L. Preparations in Alleviating Various Aspects of Life-Stress Symptoms and Stress-Induced Conditions—Encouraging Clinical Evidence - PMC (

19th December 2023

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